Coffee with Anna Bendiak - Trainee from Ukraine in Chicago

I've been in the United States two times ( I participated in student exchange program and spent my summer in 2017 in Delaware and summer in 2018 in California), so once I came back home from my second trip, I decided that I want to go back, no matter what 😅

That's how I found Shipco trainee program, but there were two issues, I was too young for it and had no experience in logistics at all…, but there is nothing impossible when you want something badly, right?

Since September 2018, every time I had to make a wish (for the new year or for a birthday or for another reason) there was only one wish - to get a visa and start working in Shipco transport in Chicago, and now I'm here!

It's been a year since I arrived and started to work for Shipco, and it's amazing experience. It wasn't easy at the beginning ( sometimes its still not easy), every morning I was waking up and thinking with what issue i have to deal today, but from day to day it was getting better

During this time I learned A LOT! My first two weeks in the office I was thinking that my head will blow up, because of all of the things that I had to learn.  You should of seen my face when I tried to trace container on the rail for 10 minutes and then I saw how my manager did that in 2 clicks… But hard work conquers all. I see how I grew and I'm thankful to Shipco for this opportunity.

Also at work i was lucky enough to be surrounded by great people, that helped a lot.

Upsetting part in 18 moths trainee program is that for the first 9 months you are missing your family, your friends and your old easy life in your home and then another 9 months you are thinking about how you'll miss your new life here, the one that you started from the scratch.Anyway, despite all the difficulties I'm happy that I have this amazing experience.

1 Comment to “ Coffee with Anna Bendiak – Trainee from Ukraine in Chicago”

  1. Ricardo says :Reply

    I feel so identified by your story! Keep it up! Shipco is the place where to be. Best wishes for you!

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