From Gdynia to Gothenburg! Meet Milena Buhaj of our Import Customer Service team

After finishing my studies in March 2021, I started looking for jobs in my profession. My first job interview was at Shipco. I remember it really nicely, as the atmosphere was very kind and we made a decision to work together very quickly.

17.03 was my first day. I started my career with Paulina Gacek, who also joined the import department, this made me feel better. I remember when Agnieszka – HRBP, said that first few months are going to be full of learning new things and gaining information, but within a time it will all come together. From the very beginning the whole team was kind and helpful. They were all happy to share their knowledge with me and patiently answering my questions. When everyone returned to the office after the pandemic, we all could get to know each other even better. I became very close with import department. We all stay in touch to this day. From some time I was learning Norwegian language, I was interested in Scandinavia. I talked to import department manager, that I would like to move to another country and try on international market. Magda Keler understood my need of developing my skills and said that Shipco has a lot of offices in Europe and maybe one of them have vacancies.

Not long after this, Ewelina Rutkowska got in touch with me and said that here in Sweden, where she works, they are looking for someone to import department. Ewelina also worked for Shipco Gdynia till 2019. She went to Sweden for 2 months, but she liked it so much and it worked so well that she has stayed to this day and is developing her career in the export department.

Before my official work, I was invited to participate in the Kick Off integration meeting. That way I could meet the new surroundings and new work colleagues. I cannot but emphasize the support and warmness I got from everyone in Sweden office and especially from Ewelina. Because of her I felt calm with organising my move to Sweden, I could count on her help the whole time. She introduced me to the secrets of both work and everyday life in Sweden. She treated my like a sister. But, the whole team welcomed me with warmth and kindness. I think this is Shipco's magic, that everyone in every office is kind and helpful. It is very important as we spend most of the day together and carry out tasks as a team.

Now I am assigned to my import directions and I'm happy to be able to learn new topics. For those who think about international development, I can advise them to never give up on their dreams. As long as they are persistent and consistently realising the right goals, sooner or later they will surely achieve the desired peak.

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